Computer Architecture
Course Informations
Semester: 2
Total number of lecture hours per semester: 60
Total number of practice hours per semester: 60
Contents of the subject:
Notion of computer architecture
Model of computer
Machine level representation of data
Instruction set architecture, assembly languages and assembly level programming (subprogram, macro, stack)
Principles of computer organization (memory, processor, coding and formats of machine instructions, processor organization, input-output devices, bus, interrupts)
System programs (editor, assembler, macro preprocessor, linker, loader, debugger, operating system)
Evolution of computer architecture (CISC, RISC, pipelined and vector processors; memory hierarchy: main, external, associative, cache and virtual memory; input-output devices; bus; interconnection networks; multiprocessors and multicomputers: SIMD, MISD, MIMD; alternative architectures)
Teaching Staff
dr Miroslav Hajduković hajduk(AT)
Lazar Stričević lucky(AT)
Žarko Živanov zzarko(AT)
Srđan Popov boromir(AT)